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road map 街道地圖,路線圖,行車地圖。

road metal

People come into your life and people leave it … you just have to trust that life has a road mapped out for you 有人闖入我的生活后又離開了… …你要做的只是去相信生活會為你規劃一條屬于你的路。

A road map : the maturity levels and key process areas provide a road map to prioritize process improvement 路線圖:成熟度等級和關鍵過程域為確定過程改進的優先順序提供了一個“路線圖” 。

In this first installment of a series , scott w . ambler outlines a road map for a quick and easy transition 在本系列的第一部分, scott w . ambler勾勒了一幅進行快速而且簡便的轉換的指示圖。

If iraq sticks to the road map laid out for it by the united nations , sanctions could be lifted without more ado 如果伊拉克恪守聯合國有關決議,那么無需更多的麻煩就能取消對它的制裁。

Road map : the maturity levels and key process areas provide a road map to prioritize process improvement 路線圖:成熟度等級和關鍵過程域為確定過程改進的優先順序提供了一個“路線圖” 。

Training road map will be crafted for members who are prepared to shoulder greater responsibilities as a leader or initiator 那些愿意承擔領導職務的義工將有機會參加更多的培訓課程。

“ once we have got a road map , the timetable for attaining universal suffrage will fall into place quite naturally 發言人表示:當有了普選路線圖后,普選時間表便指日可待。

“ once we have got a road map , the timetable for attaining universal suffrage will fall into place quite naturally 發言人表示:當有了普選路線圖后,普選時間表便指日可待。

He said that the hksar government recognized the need for a road map and a timetable for attaining universal suffrage 他說,特區政府認同有需要就達致普選訂立路線圖及時間表。

There ' s a clear road map that speech recognition is going to move from niche to pervasive marketplaces 語音識別從狹窄的小市場進入廣泛的大市場已有一幅清晰的指路地圖。

The road map he lent me , which i finally discovered had been published in 1972 , was worse than useless 我后來發現,他借給我的那張1972年繪制的交通圖一點用處也沒有。

If iraq sticks to the road map laid out for it by the un . sanctions could be lifted without more ado 如果伊拉克堅持走聯合國給其制定的線路,制裁可以立即解除。

The consultants have suggested a “ road map “ for change , covering a period of several years 報告還列載顧問建議的時間表,以推行過程為期達數年的各方面建議。

Individual development plan career plan is like your road map . it guides you along the way 您個人的職業進程規劃就如您人生的指示圖,從中引導您的去向。

This will include a complete detailed report , road map of all measurements points taken 這證明包括一份完整詳細的尺寸檢驗報告,所有被測量點的路線圖。

The commission on strategic development has commenced work on a road map for universal suffrage 策略發展委員會已開展了有關研究普選路線圖的工作。

When there was a road map , it should not be too difficult to have a timetable for universal suffrage 當有了路線圖后,定出普選時間表應不會太困難。

A leader ' s most important job at any organization is to lay out a road map to the future 身為任何企業的領導,最重要的工作就是繪制出未來的藍圖。

“ the hksar government also recognizes that we need to prepare for a road map and timetable 特區政府亦明白需要為路線圖及時間表作準備。